
While vaccination is not compulsory in Japan, you may need a vaccine passport in order to travel abroad. This article tells you how to claim your vaccination passport. What format is the passport and what does it contain? […]
Whether you are moving within Japan, or moving to Japan from abroad, there are several procedures that must be followed. They are as follows. If you are moving within Japan -> Submit a moving out notice to your […]


Want to drive in Japan? An international driver’s license is valid for only 12 months. After that time, you need to get a Japanese license. How do you do so? Read on. Option 1: Convert your foreign license […]


The Expat Expo is an exhibition held every November and is exclusively for international residents in Japan. The aim is to connect local businesses and services to the expat community, and help the expats discover which businesses are […]


Hotel quarantine seems to be a regular part of travel these days, much to our dismay. In Japan, visitors have to quarantine for a certain amount of time depending on where they came from. Those coming from Indonesia […]


Are you planning to send your child to a nursery school or kindergarten in Japan? Many things may be quite different than in your home country. For example, in many daycares, even five-year-old children take a two hour […]


Our service Omakase Helper provides expats with help in many different areas of their lives in Japan, from enrolling kids in a Japanese daycare to filling out tax forms. This blog will focus on one of our key […]


Maybe you are just starting a new business, or maybe your already established a company. Either way, one important factor in the success of your business is advertising. There are many ways to advertise, but most of them […]


The State of Emergency is extended in Tokyo until June 20th. However from June 1st, the restrictions upon facilities have been loosened. The following applies until midnight on June 20th: Large shopping centres: Allowed to re-open on weekdays […]